My name is pronounced "Doogie". I am 8 years old, and Inna is my little sister. She's a brat, but I enjoy having her around. She still has a lot to learn. Training her has been hard--she doesn't listen very well and is always too scared, but she'll learn eventually. I enjoy going on rides in our new truck. Sleeping on mom and dad's bed is my favorite thing to do, and I will do anything for cookies and treats. Life is good.
At first, we didn't know what to think about Utah. Now, we think it's pretty cool. There's lots of room to run around, and the camping is great. We do miss all our friends in California, but I'm sure we'll visit often. We miss Donna and Shannon and all those cookies. We miss the sun and the beach.:
Drop us a note anytime @ 1123456 N. 1425 S. Pet City, ST 12345 or call us at 123.456.1234. You call also reach us by e-mailing